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Silverpaws Cattery, Inc
"Home of the Little White Dogs"
Name: CH Tomo
Coat: Shaded Cameo
Tomo is the patriarch of the Silverpaws Cattery bloodlines. He has fathered 12 litters, which have produced 32 beautiful kittens.
Name: American Icon
Coat: Brown Tabby
Affectionately known as "Big Mac"
Name: Billy Idol
Coat: Shaded Silver
Name: Starboy
Coat: Classic Red Tabby
Name: Cleopatra - ♀
Coat: Silver Ticked Patched Tabby
Name: CH Peaches - ♀
Coat: Blue Silver Patched Tabby
This color includes a white undercoat, ground color, including lips and chin, pale, clear bluish silver with classic, mackerel or ticked tabby markings of deep blue with patches of cream clearly defined on both body and extremities. A blaze of cream on the face is desirable. Eye color: green or hazel.
Name: Spotlight - ♀
Coat: Silver Tabby
Another tabby pattern is the blotched or marbled tabby, also called the "classic tabby." This is characterized by swirls, and the rings around the legs and tail are often much wider than the rings of the mackerel tabby. Classic tabby patterns are often compared to a bullseye on target.
Name: Nabu - ♀
Coat: Brown Tabby
The markings are dense, clearly defined, with narrow pencilings. Necklaces on the neck and chest are distinct, like so many chains. The head is barred with an "M" on the forehead.
Name: Shimmer - ♀
Coat: Shaded Silver
A rare color. The undercoat is white, with a mantle of black tipping shading down from the sides, face and tail from dark on the ridge to white on the chin, chest, stomach, and under the tail.
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